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Friday, April 1, 2011

Foolin' Around on April Fool's Day

In case anyone is looking for me, you can probably find me in a neighbor's garage.  I am kinda nosey- no denying it.  That is why the neighborhood garage sale is one of my favorite events!  I snooped and chatted, talked smack about your stuff later in the day to my girlfriends that had to work and missed the fun.'s true.  But mostly had a great time, and got some great stuff treasures.  The weather cooperated nicely as well.  It was breezy, low 80's and sunny.  Picture perfect.  My thanks to the dad that had fired up his grill and made some awesome hotdogs with tasty toasty buns. 

I am pretty worn out from my bargain hunting, but I will close with a few pics of some treasures and the promise that with the great new scanner I picked up today I will also have some neat-o things scanned in very soon to share as well.  

I love spring!

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