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Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog Guidebook- Great Info and Help for Bloggers!!

So, today it was a Monday....a day like any other Monday.  I dropped off the carpool and came back for my 3rd or 4th cup-o-Joe, checked emails and a couple bloggers who have special Monday features.  Today I ran across a blog button  that I had not seen before, and of course, being the curious person I am I just 'had to see'.  

The name of the site is The Blog Guidebook and the ladies there have some wonderful free info for Bloggers (you know how I love free!!), a free listing in the Blog Guidebook, and they will even give your blog an honest evaluation (yeah.....not like the one your mom gave you).  

Look for the bee button on my sidebar and check them out!

  You can gain some nifty tricks of the trade in simple, straightforward tutorials that will help give your blog that professional edge!
And, as a sidenote:
Can anyone tell me which font is used on these Be Calm signs?
I am working feverishly on a Silhouette SD design for a child's chair and would like to use this type of motif.  If I ever did things 'the easy way' I could have been done with the chair by now.  But oh no.....I have to not only learn a new set of software, I also have to make it do the hard stuff right off.  Anyone else would probably just be able to choose from the Silhouette Library for their first design.  No, not me.  Sorry.  So far I have destroyed a carrier sheet, but I am getting close.  :D  Not the machine's fault...totally the user. Tot-a-leee user error.  But....good news...all of the fabric transfer interfacing is in, AND- I found a website I will share next time where you can get all types of vinyl on the cheap, not just for Silhouette.  Yay!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the guidebook! I'm in their que for critique. I would love to know your source for vinyl! I think I'm going to cave and get the Silhouette today!


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