You Can Go Home Again!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow- just looked....I've been gone awhile!!  I am so happy to be through the holiday season, and am working hard to get Christmas eradicated from my home.  I just don't want to look at it any more!  I don't know how people can leave the tree up until February.

I don't *do* resolutions, so to speak.  But if there is one thing I want to work on, it is watching less TV.  Not that I actually get to *watch* much, but it is on a lot, and I think it is draining my soul.  

I am also determined to get out one free machine embroidery font file a month.  I would like to make my blog about sharing ideas, as well as my files.  Blogger does not allow me to upload files directly to the blog, so I have to email them as they are requested by readers, but that is also something I am working to improve on this year.  It may mean moving the blog to the webstore address, not sure yet.  My daughter was kind enough to give me a cool book for Christmas this year that I think will help.  

This is it: 

I am really excited about this book, and hope to put it to good use this year.  It has a ton of info on blogging, free links and pages to help with site building, and a general wealth of information that I seriously need to be a better blogger.  

I am also thrilled with the Corel software I got and Santa brought me a Silhouette SD Machine!!  I have been so busy with friends and family that I honestly have had zero time to even open the boxes.  My mostest favorite sister came to visit me for Christmas and we had so much fun!  I love her dearly and she is my best friend in the world. 

So that's it for now, really.  I have a few more boxes to put away, a few more things to get organized, but all in all I think 2011 is just going to be exceptional on so many levels.  If I also eat a little better, exercise more and drop 20 lbs it will just be the icing on the *hoorah*  :D

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I am a new follower from Mama's Little Nestwork.
    Love meeting other crafty people and networking! :)


let's keep it kind :)