You Can Go Home Again!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


But there is still time to get (another) entry into the Great Giveaway!!
Just comment on any post from August or September, be a follower--And you're IN! Simple huh??  But let's face it....I am not about complicated.

Thought you would like a peek at a new project I am working on:
These chairs are Alabama Channin, but I recently purchased a few sad rejects from the local thrift that are very similar in overall design to these, and of course, the seats were shot (perfect!)......but they were sturdy overall.  I am going to try my hand at refinishing them, and adding webbing and thrifted men's ties to get a similar look as these. 

I totally refurbished the Baker's Rack I bought for the retail space.  It was not in bad shape at all, but by using spray paint for plastic I transformed the top from the fake vinyl butcher block to a more upscale black/white combo for the rack, and I think it certainly reflects my aesthetic much better.

So, as you can see I have been short on the bloggin' but not for lack of enthusiasm.  I have just been working hard behind the scenes :)  

Alrighty....I'll get this up so you have a chance for another entry!  Good luck to all of you!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury." -- Coco Chanel

I have to say- I totally agree with Coco on this.  What good are nice things if they are 'too nice' for the people around you?  I have always worked my designs with this in mind.  I wanted to honor Coco in a recent upcycle, and I thought I would share it with all of you.  

 I have a *thing* for boxes and containers of all kinds!  Some because they help hide my clutter, some hold treasures, others help keep me organized.  So, when I saw this outdated jewelry box, I knew I could give it a new life's purpose!

I was inspired by an image I found online called "Chanel Bicycle".
If you 'google' vintage bicycle images, there are quite a few choices.  Evidently there was a design craze early in the 20th Century for high end designers to do bikes.  There is an awesome Hermes' as well.  If you click on the Graphic's Fairy button on my side bar- Karen has lots and lots of great vintage images she shares as well. 

This upcycle was actually one of the easier ones I have done.  You may have a childhood jewelry box of your own that needs a new life- I found this one @ my local thrift shop.  The glass was easily removed from behind by loosening the screws and set plates.  I used the glass for my template for my new fabric insert.  I simply printed the image on my laser printer (you can also use inkjet) onto a product I like to use called  Lazertran .    Then I ironed it onto the burlap piece I had cut oversized, for the insert.  I adhered the burlap to a stiff piece of cardboard, and cut to fit.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Really Exciting News!

Sorry if it seems I have been MIA...I feel like a bad blogger!  But I have the most exciting news!  A new 'gallery' opened in town- right on Main Street.  I have been wanting to go in for a few weeks, and finally stopped and met with the owner, Joan.  She is a silversmith, and in her past life did community development in Kansas.  She prefers the shop not be called a 'gallery', because that gives it too snooty an aire, but for lack of a better word today that is what I am calling it.

 Here is a look at the cool place she has named 'Artizan's Alley'

Here is a peek at the inside: is the really exciting news.....
This is my spot in the gallery!

Yes, this is my little piece of the world!  I am sooo excited!!
So, if I seem you know why.  :)

Of course, there is the big job of readying the space, and selecting which items to display.  I spent the better part of the weekend over Labor Day looking for and acquiring a white Baker's Rack to go with the white commercial grid wall panels I already own.  I missed out on one or two, but found the perfect Baker's Rack on craigslist for a mere pittance, and it is in 'like new' condition!  My sister is planning to share in the space with me, but also has not narrowed down which items to sell.  

Oh- there is also a cute little luncheon area in the shop with the best under $8 menu I have seen in a long time called 'Apron Stringz'.  Joan and her husband also used to do special event catering.  The menu is made up from fresh ingredients and ideas, so if you are ever in Old Town Keller, then be sure to stop in and have a bite to eat, as well.  

So, that is all my news for today!  I do have a couple of great tutorials I am working on, and hope to post one by the end of the week.  

We seem to have gotten past tropical storm Hermine for the time being, although it dumped about 6" of rain in my area.  My thoughts and prayers are with all of those that continue to be affected by the flooding.