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Friday, June 18, 2010

(Almost) Free Serger!!

I am seriously so excited about this!
I have been coveting a serger for awhile.  Anyone that does much sewing knows there are times that you just need one!  I have been saving funds for the Seattle trip, now just under a month away, and since I have the embroidery machine, and my regular machine, it is hard to justify the money or space for yet another sewing companion.  But, sometimes you just need one!

So, the other day I was searching the sewing supply site looking for a cording foot, and a free form foot, and I ran across THIS!  Well, gotta have it, ya know??  I bought my serger foot on ebay for less than $20, and I gotta say, it has been one of the best money saving ventures I have run across in a long time.  And you know, I am notoriously cheap  thrifty.
This week has been a really busy one- getting ready for the trip, and getting my son ready for Philmont.  We had to go to the Health Dept. for shots- it is the only place to get the menningitis shot here-  and let me just say this....get there early!

Anyway, I know I said I would update on Thursday, but that wasn't in the cards this week, for sure.  But- good news, next week I will feature a project and show you how you can avoid paying the money for the free-form foot as well!  I just figured it out messing with these other feet, and let me just say- I feel like a genius!  A notoriously cheap  thrifty genius!

So- I promise- good stuff next week- can't wait to show you!!  :)

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